Thursday, July 06, 2006

the first, hopefully of many... goes...

i'd kinda been itching to start this space for a while. my purpose in writing this isn't actually for ANYBODY to read it, but if they have a few minutes to waste on the product of my twisted mind, then it's alright! haha!

so then what drove me to start writing?.....well, a few reasons...

stuff happens to me everyday. dumb stuff. STUPID stuff. stuff nobody wants to hear about. stuff that i inevitably want to share with somebody...

besides stuff happening to me, i also think up lots of ridiculous stuff (if u happen to come across one of the many people i've bored in my lifetime they'll back me up on this one) and well, it'd be nice to have an outlet for it all.

yesterday i was asked by the master of all bloggers (:P) why i didn't have some sort of creative outlet...we'll see how this goes.

now, i don't pretend to be a great writer...not at all...i don't even promise to make this interesting. ooooonce in a while i get a little inspiration and i might write something worthwhile.

currently, i am doing what i've been doing every night these last few days...surfing the net and watching sitcoms on fox, way fun! hehe and well, seems like even my chronic neck discomfort is gone! yay!

and well, i'll be saying goodbye for now, 'tis late, and, though i am not tired, it'd be wise to go to bed now...

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