Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Learning about you and me

Today i've learned so much about u and, by learning about u, i learn so much about me, too. What was there but we'd never really seen.

I love everything about u, i truly and honestly do. I love the familiarity that there's always been between us, like we'd known eachother, all along. The honesty between us, i truly cherish. The fact that we can just completely bare our souls, and stand there completely naked, completely vulnerable, completely stripped of all the ribbons and masks, and noise and disguises, of the façade that we build everyday to live in the world where everyone else lives, but when the time comes, and it's just u and me, there is no need for all that theater, because we know that we are loved for our true skins. And then you can be you, and i can be me, and we can be we.

It is hard to let go. It is hard to let u go and grow. But i know that if we remain just growing together, u and me, that our branches will grow, intertwined again and again, but i also know that we will be stumped, and we will never reach our full potential. For when two trees are planted too closely to eachother, initally they will keep eachother company, and grow together and relish in eachother's beauty and success, but as time passes they will find that no matter what direction the wind sways their branches, they will always be stuck on eachother, never having their own dance, and in the end branches will break and both will be smothered. But if, on the other hand, u allow two trees to have just enough space between them, they will both thrive. Their branches will grow, and they will spread, and they will blossom and give fruit, and they will grow towards eachother, never crowding the other, and each will dance the same dance, but in their own way...and the landscape will be so much more beautiful for it.

Thank u for ur love. Thank u for ur honesty. Thank u for being u. Thank u for letting me be me.

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